
Day After Thanksgiving, 2002 In ancient and medieval philosophy, the term “quintessential” was used to define the fifth essence or element,…


I’m so utterly confused right now.  While my time in Jakarta is swiftly drawing to an end, I find myself…

Meet and Greet

  We’ve met some truly wonderful people here.  Most of them have been students, but there are others that have walked…

Almost Over

  My contract will drawing to an end very soon, in December to be exact.  When I first agreed to take…


July 20th, 2008  Today marks the first anniversary of the day I quit my job at the railroad.  I cannot…

Overnight Celebrity

That would be me…well, not really.  My boss writes for a local magazine and included my quote and picture in…

Going Green…and White!

On to simplier things though… In an attempt to simplify my life and actually take advantage of living in Jakarta,…


Something is off.  Off with me, I mean. I’m not crazy or anything like that.  Suddenly, though, I’m starting to…

Same Ol’

Just some new things to write about: I took my first ojek (motorcycle taxi) last Tuesday.  There’s a man, Indra,…